Baby Ember

Baby Ember

Thursday, February 18, 2010

its been a little while, time for an update

So, where to begin.
I love thursdays. I know, random right. Its pretty sad that I only love Thursdays because 5, thats right, 5 of my favorite tv shows are on at night. Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Project Runway, Fringe, and the Deep End is on. Right now as I type this I am watching the DVR'd Grey's Anatomy.

Last week, Erik and I went to his families place to visit and for Erik to work on his brother's car. Hi brother, brother's fiance, and her daughter all had a nasty cough. After hanging out there for 3 days and getting to know my mother in law better, I got sick too.
Her daughter ended up in the ER with Pnuemonia. She is ok now. But, great, I have bad lungs and what she has. Awesome!
I waited a couple days hoping it was just a cold. Turns out its much worse and with no insurance and no money, I thought I was screwed. I called my docs today to ask if she could just call in some antibiotics to walmart and I would spend 4 bucks and move on with my life.
The nurse took my symptoms over the phone and told me she would call me back. She called me back and said my doc wants me in asap. I tell her I cant afford to come in and she says can you go to a clinic. I told her no, because they wouldnt understand my lungs like my doctor does. She says she will call me back.... She never does.
at 840pm tonight I get a call from CVS. I called my doc at like 215 today. CVS tells me my prescription is not covered by my insurance. I tell them wait, whats the prescription for? Turns out my doc called me in a scrip and failed to call me back. LOL. So I pay the 45.00 for my scrip and hopefully life will be good again in 6 days. She prescribed me the super strong shit. LOL.
I am mailing her a thank you card that I made tomorrow.
My doc rocks!!

Hmm, what else is going on.. My Gramps house is on the market officially as of today. This weekend we are having a huge yard sale to get rid of some stuff.
Things are going to get harder before it gets better.
I am 90% sure Erik and I will be taking in my little bro for a while until my mom figures out what shes doing.

I think I have typed enough for now. Peace