Baby Ember

Baby Ember

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So glad I am not a fan of the show LOST!

All I have heard and seen today was shit about the show LOST. I have never watched an episode of it and frankly, I am glad. Too much controversy. LAME! Now Grey's Anatomy! Holy crap that was a great season finale episode! Holy crap. People getting shot like crazy!

Enough of tv. For the past week or two, all I have been doing is working and then coming home and working on getting ready for potrero war. We have had to buy new chairs, a stove and other stuff. I am kind of excited. It seems like this is the first war I have gone to where we have gone all out and dont have to depend on someone else for anything. Doing our own cooking, have our own garb, and are doing everything ourselves. I am sort of proud of us.

My mom got an extension on the foreclosure sale date thanks to our realtor and lawyer hounding the lender. Woot! Now, hopefully the house will sell or be under contract before July 1st. Know of anyone who want to flip a house?

My work is going great. I start my fourth week on monday. What I do is Title Curative work for an escrow company. the process is as follows: the property goes to foreclosure sale from the attorney. the property then reverts back to the bank. the bank automatically sends the info to the escrow company (us). Even though the property doesnt have a buyer yet, we open the file and the title curative dept gets all the info on the property. Basically what I do is call the county and city of the property to make sure there arent any code violations on the property (weeds overgrown, old cars on the lawn, graffiti, and building permit violations). We then call the utilities for water sewer and trash. Basically we are trying to make sure the property will not have any liens on it when someone does want to buy it. the banks want to take care of all of that stuff before the transaction happens. We have to make sure to get payoff demands so the bank takes care of it. We are the only escrow company around that does that. Its pretty easy. I get bored from being on hold all the time with the code and utilities companies. My coworkers are pretty chill though. Its funny. My boss stole me from another company. I had interviewed with Ryan, my boss, about 3 months ago. He told me he wanted to hire me absolutely and he would call me in a couple days. he never called so I called him and he told me he had taken a toll of the office and that there wasnt enough work to warrant bring me on yet. He told me he would definitely bring me on in a couple months. He called me every couple of weeks to see what was going on. the last time he called, I had started a new job that day and so i told him and we hung up. he called me back 5 mins later and offered me more money and to start the next monday. So i decided to let that other job go cause it wasnt even in the real estate field and it would take two months of training and it didnt pay enough. I am now making ok money. (Still not what I am worth, but oh well).

My sister and I are doing hair for a bridal show on July 5th. is the website if you would like to come. I hope you do. I will also be showcasing some of my new bridal accessories line during the fashion show, as well as, a booth with my business cards and postcards with pics of what I can do and physical examples. I am excited to get that off the ground.

Thats about it thats going on for the moment. Will write again after Potrero and the Bridal Faire. I bid you adieu

Monday, May 3, 2010

I love

My Husband. He's the best.
The end.