Friday, October 21, 2011
37.5 weeks
Well, I have just started my maternity leave, as of the 17th. It's been pretty boring, but relaxing at the same time.
Erik and I have completed our birthing classes and pretty much know whats going to happen during the process and the afterwards. Its amazing how much I didn't know about all that I would have to do to take care of myself on top of Ember after I deliver. Its pretty damn high maintenance.
We are going to have to take at least one more class for infant care. Erik has never dealt with a newborn before and i just want to make sure he is prepared. I could definitely use a refresher course, too! I have been around babies my whole life, so I think I am mostly good to go, although, i cant just give her back when she starts crying. This one stays with us. Muah ha ha ha!
The nursery is done. The only thing that would make it complete would be a glider, but those damn things are so freaking expensive and its not a necessity to have it. Its so cute. This is her crib. I don't have pics of the whole room yet.
I am pretty much ready for her to come. Its going to be hard though cause Erik doesn't get any time off to stay home with me and help. He can stay with me at the hospital, but has to go back to work when I get discharged.
Other than the baby almost being here, not much to report.
We moved :)The place is amazing. Prolly the nicest place I have ever lived. I love it. Will prolly have a small BBQ sometime soon. We now live in an HOA complex, so we have to keep quiet for the most part. But that's part of why I love it here. It is SO quiet compared to our last apartments.
Anyways, I think I have reverted to rambling. must go to sleep. Good night all.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
31 Weeks today
My baby shower was on 8/27/11. It was a lot of fun. We had a lot of people there, although a lot of people also flaked so we overbought on a lot of stuff. We made out like bandits with baby gear. Just have a few of the bigger things left to get and we are set for the first 6 months or so (hopefully...)
Thank you to my Mom, My sister Danielle, Moeesha, Rachel and Jett for making the baby shower all it was. Thank you to those additionally, who came early to help set up. Thank you to my hubby for cooking for everyone and being my knight in shiny armour. It was so freaking hot that day, I was sweating so much. ewwww.
My niece Chelsea, Danielle, and Mom
Melissa, Michelle, Rachel and I
My mother in law, Cindy and niece Heaven
Rachel, Michelle, and I
Ember's cake. it turned out so cute!
My friend Mara, and I. We are only about a week apart in due dates. Thank you for taking a bunch of pics Mara, and for helping us find a house!
The super awesome diaper cake my little sister made me. It even has her name on it and my theme all over it. Love it! Its the center piece on my dining room table. I don't want to take it apart.
Mommy and Daddy to be! I love him.
My favor boxes. I couldn't find them anywhere. ended up ordering them online.. mmmmm Jordan almonds.
Me and the famous Moeesha sash. Love ya Mo!
Erik was making some of the funniest jokes when we were opening the gifts. He was like I dunno if this is going to fit me. LOL
Onto our furry babies. This is Rito. He is just so cute and lovely dovey, but has so much energy. he loves to nibble on your hands. not hard, just playing around.
This is Bean. Such a cutie pie. I cant believe how big they have gotten. People ask us all the time what kind of dogs they are. They are Deer Chihuahuas. The biggest Chihuahuas out there. We didn't even know they would get this big. i am glad they did though. Bean is not as rambunctious as his brother since he broke his leg.
We make horrible jokes with Rito and tell him to calm down or we will break his leg too. LOL. we would never obviously do that. LOL
I couldn't help myself at Target tonight. they have the doggie costumes for Halloween out already. They are "Bad Dogs" LOL. Love it!
In other news, we are moving to an awesome house in Westminster on the 18th of this month. We are currently packing. My friend Mara and her hubby used to live in the house and just moved out last week. In order to help the landlord out(who has a one month old daughter) she spread the word to try to find a new tenant. I am in love with the place! Its 3 bedrooms. David is coming with us and Ember will have a nursery. The house is huge compared to what we have now and has a laundry room and big patio for the dogs. There is also a 2 car garage that is deep enough to have a workshop in it and park two cars inside. Hubby is super stoked on that part. the parking is awesome and its not a huge place with a ton of partiers. its also, all downstairs. Its been so long since I lived in a house, not to mention, a first floor place. So excited!!
I think I am leaving for maternity leave in the middle of October. Prolly around the 14th will be my last day, but nothing is set in stone yet. The goal is to have her on the 1st of November, giving me at least two weeks to relax and prepare for her arrival.
I am still not sure if I am going to have a C-section or push her out. I think I will figure that out at my next appnt on Saturday.
Also, my dad is home from China after 2.5 years of being there. He was there to watch Erik and I get married and then took off and has been home until now. I am so glad he is home, but there is so much to do for him to acclimate him back to US society.
I am really glad he will be here for the birth of Ember.
Anyways, its getting late and I think hubby just finished Sons of Anarchy so its bed time. Love to all. Ciao!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
17 Weeks and Counting
Its time for another update.
I am 17 weeks as of today. I am doing well, although I still havent gained any weight. I am barely starting to show though. I was a fatty to start out, so I think this is normal. I cant wait until people will think i am actually pregnant and not just fat. LOL
Recent changes in my body have been stupid stuff like a runny nose that wont end, I am tired (which hasnt changed) and my back is starting to hurt. I am also not sleeping as comfortably as I used to and I know that its only going to get worse. I could get to sleep last night until 2am. LAME... I bought a body pillow for 20 dollars compared to the baby sleep pillow which was like 50. Its helping a bit.
We should be finding out the sex of the baby, hopefully this saturday. If not, then I am going to go get a 3d and be done with it. I am so excited. We want a boy so bad, that I have a feeling its going to be a girl.
I have had some really odd dreams recently. I dreamt that someone was threatening to cut my baby out of me.. which actually happened in an episode of Private Practice and Erik thinks it was just my subconcious thinking of the show.. who knows, either way I woke up and was like WTF!?!
There are so many of us pregnant right now.. Theres three that I know of all due within two weeks of when I am due. pretty crazy and exciting. Play dates, here we come!
I dont know if I mentioned this in my last post, but I found out I get 5 months paid maternity leave which is pretty damn awesome. I also received my review and a very nice raise (imo). My company has started to give me more responsibilities and thank god they are a little more complicated than what I was doing before.. I was almost falling asleep at my desk before. I am thankful that they see the potential and have listened to me in the fact that I want to do something more.
Bean (or Chihuahua) is doing much better. The cast on his leg has been taken off and he is running around like a crazy dog again. (not that his cast kept him from jumping off the couch after his brother anyway)
I feel like there is still so much to do before the baby comes and then I realize I have another 3 months or so and I stop hyperventating and take a deep breathe. So much to do. Our apt is not nearly big enough for the three adults and two dogs, let alone a baby and all the things that come with. We have to move somewhere larger to just fit. Somewhere more inland for sure, cause we sure as shit cant afford to live here with a baby.
I am going to continue to work where I work after my maternity leave is over and that is also something we have to figure out. Who is going to take care of my 4.5 month old for 9 hours a day while I work? so many things to work out...
Anyways, its almost 11 and if I want any sleep at all, I should probably try now..
Goodnight yo... Belly pics soon enough.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
13 Weeks
There seems to be just a ton of crap going on in my life right now.
Yesterday was my one year anniversary at my job and I havent gotten a review yet. This has happened to me at every single job I have ever had. It drives me fucking nuts that companies dont have their shit together enough to pay attention to their employees achievements. I understand the big boss is busy trying to open a couple new offices. I am only asking for 15 mins. Yell at me, praise me, encourage me,something! Tell me if I am getting a raise and if so how much? I just dont want to be anxious about it anymore. At my last job, I literally waited 6 months for my one year review. thankfully, they back paid my raises, but shit.
onto another subject:
My puppy Bean (Mr. Refried Bean), was running and ran around behind his crate and clipped his hind left knee on the corner of his crate. He broke a piece of the bone off in his knee area. We took him to an emergency vet on Saturday night. That short visit cost us close to 400 dollars. We were told he needed surgery and pins put in the bone to make him be able to walk again. That was going to cost us 4000 up front. Yeah, um, theres no way in hell we have that. Freaking out, I called a friend who knows a ton about dogs and horses. She referred me to a vet in Garden Grove. Dr. Grant with the Community Veteranarian Hospital quoted us 2000 up front. We tried everything imagineable. Trying to get grants, loans, credit, anything. It turns out a friend of ours (who wishes to remain anonymous) offered to pay for it as a favor. That person is amazing and has no idea what a huge deal this is. I had people telling me to put Bean to sleep. I could never do that. I would have sold everything I owned just to fix that little guys leg. He had the surgery yesterday and is back home... see the baby:
Other than those things, life is good.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Update on baby (7 weeks)
I got a call from my docs office the other day. My blood work came back and everything is fine. I'm healthy and all my levels look good.
I have had some cravings. Mostly for fatty stuff. Twix and cheeseburgers are high up on the list. I have only given in a couple times.
I've been super emotional lately thinking of how my Gramps won't be here to see my baby. My niece was the light of his life, and I wish that we could have had more great grandbabies to bring him joy. I miss him so much. I talk to him through god in my prayers and I update him on the baby. I believe that he's here with me, but it doesn't make the pain go away.
I also am worried that my dad won't make it home to see the birth of his grandkid. Him being so far away has been really hard too. Shit, I'm tearing up now. Damn hormones.
We r currently looking for a house of some sort that does not have stairs, cause I am not going to be able to make it up the stairs very well, once I get much bigger. We also have two chihuahua puppies that are very energetic, so we need a yard or a big patio for them, because we can't have them going crazy around a newborn. Anyone know of any decently priced three bedrooms in orange county. Wait a sec, that might just be asking too much!
Work is good, I've been covering a desk in our Mission Viejo office this week, while a coworker has been on vacation. I can't wait to get back to my desk. It has been nice seeing some of my old coworkers from before our office split, but the commute sucks balls.
I got a flat tire this week too. A friend graciously paid for me to get another tire, because I don't have any money until I get paid again. There are almost three weeks between paychecks this month, so we are struggling something fierce. My friend is so sweet. I won't mention a name, because I think she wishes for it to remain between us. I can say this, I am so glad to have met her and to have her support. She was appalled when I told her I was driving on a donut to mission viejo. Love her!
Anyways, I need to get to bed. Greasy anatomy and Private Practice were really good tonight. Woohoo!
Good night world
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hubby has been super supportive. Making sure I eat right and packing me breakfast and snacks. I rarely used to eat Breakfast, but I'm afraid if I dont now, Erik will kick my ass (proverbially). He basically would do anything for me. Not letting me lift things and such. So cute. He was good to me before, but dang! Love him!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
My Craft Room / Studio
When we originally decided to move into a 2 bedroom apt, I decided I wanted to use the other room for a sewing/craft room. Needless to say, things went south and the room was in use until last week. I just barely got to start using it. I have finally finished setting up and used it for the first time last night, if only to take in my sister's shirt. It was so nice to not have to lug out my sewing machine and set it all up just to do one little sewing job. Everything is layed out and ready for me to use. See: Thats my sewing desk. I took an old camping fold up table and covered with with teal spandex with my staple gun. I love how it turned out. Its so bright!
This is my scrapbooking desk to the right in the picture and to the left is my Cricut station.
I have a stereo set up on a shelf, so I can be rocking some tunes while working away.
All in all, I am very happy with the set up. I think tomorrow, I will start working on this dress I have designed for myself. I am making it with some fabric that I bought at Mood. I loved that store. The only problem, is that that are so expensive!! It's fun knowing that I am using the same kind of fabric that the contestants on Project Runway use.