Baby Ember

Baby Ember

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Getting Things Going

So recently, I have been getting alot done with my mom when it comes to my Grandpa's Estate. We went to the meeting with the Pastor, along with my brother Trevor. We came to a date and time of January 30th, at 1pm. Its a saturday, so family should be able to travel out here to come to the services. My church has recently undergone some major renovations and it gorgeous and huge now. The service will be really nice. I have to make a slideshow of pictures of my Grandpa which will be displayed on two huge white screens as people are walking in.
i also had the idea of making notecards and having people write well wishes and nice things about my Grandpa on them, and then we would bury him with them.
So much to do.
Onto happier notes:
I learned how to make sugar cookies from scratch today! I added more vanilla extract and used some orange that I freshly zested with my new zester. Woot for orange zest. They turned out super yummy, even though it took me three times to get it right. I really thought I wasnt meant to bake, but the third time was the charm!
I shouldnt be awake right now, but oh well. Erik and I took a nap today and didnt wake up til almost 730, so I am not tired.
I am watching a show called First Time Homebuyer on HGTV. I cant wait to start shopping for a house. Its going to be awhile.
OOOOOOOHHH. I finally got some info from my dad about how much of a budget I will have for my wedding. Let's just say, i am super ok with the amount he told me! He said to start looking around for a venue. I told him that I found a place in Hemet for a certain amount. He told me he would give me a few more thousand to have it closer to home, which is awesome!
So, once all the stuff with my Grandpa's estate is done, I get to start planning my wedding. So much to do!
I should try to sleep now. I think Kat and I are going to LA today to Mood Fabric store and Amoeba Records. Then, gonna have drinks with Tracy later on tonight. Full day planned. Need sleep for it. Good night all!

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