Baby Ember

Baby Ember

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Our Life at The Moment

Currently, we are moved into the new, nasty apartment. Pretty much everything that was promised to us by management, has been bullshit. Nothing was as they said it was. Super disappointing and super unprofessional. This shit would not fly if we were in the O.C.
Got some shitty news, too. My past employer that I quit at, appealed EDD's decision to grant me unemployment and they won the appeal hearing. I am not working, nor am I receiving unemployment benefits. Freaking out does not begin to explain where my head is it. Financially, as always, I am in a place where I am screwed. I am not sure why my luck has always been so shitty with money. My best friend told me on the phone last night, that I am one of the smartest and talented people she knows. If that's the case, then why am I always in such a shitty predicament, financially?  I work and I am good at every job I have had, Of course, I only take jobs in the industry I know, and I have been laid off sooooo many times. I just need a break. Life needs to look in my favor for once.
I finally did the (unfortunately) financially responsible thing and moved to a more affordable area. Now, I cant find a job and the opportunities I have been presented with are so far away, its almost not even worth it.
I want to be independent. I don't want to depend of the county and family for help. Everyone is in need sometime, I know. But for me, I want to just do it myself. I am THIRTY FUCKING YEARS OLD NOW! Shouldn't I have my shit together by now? I need to keep it together for  my kid, but all I want to do is sleep all day and pretend its not happening.
Wayne coming into my life when he did, is probably one of the biggest blessings I have ever gotten. The support and love he has provided to my daughter and I is not one that someone would expect. He came into an impossible situation and has managed to stick it through with me and be the best boyfriend ever. I've decided I am keeping him. That is that.

I know there are opportunities out there for us. I just need to keep my head up and find them. I have a couple of great friends feeding me leads and resources and for that, I am super grateful.

On a side note, my sewing machine was acting up and the tension and bobbin thread kept getting fucked up. I was quoted $70 to get it serviced and fixed. Tonight, I decided to really try to do it myself. I Youtubed that shit, and guess what, that bitch is working perfect like the day I dropped a grip of money on her.
So, I am available for sewing jobs now. Woot!
Also just finished setting up our craft area. I've got my sewing area and Wayne's art area, instead of a dining room. Who eats at their kitchen table anymore, anyway?

I should really get to bed, but this is somewhat therapeutic, just getting my thoughts out while everyone is sleeping.
Oh Yeah! I just turned THIRTY FUCKING YEARS OLD and had a big party before we moved. It was a ton of fun and I am so glad so many people came out to celebrate with me. Pics below. I was pretty wasted by the end of it. LOL. One of my best friends even planned with our other bestie and flew our from San Francisco for my birthday. So happy to see her and everyone else!!!

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